Hoteliers Welcome Recommendation to Extend 9% Vat to 2025 Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media publish report and recommendations
/sites/default/files/upload/ihi_htp_day.pdfThe Irish Hotels Federation, which represents hotel and guesthouse owners across the country, has expressed its disappointment at the Government’s announcement today that the reopening of indoor dining is being delayed. IHF President, Elaina Fitgerald Kane said the news was a crushing blow to businesses in the hospitality sector and the thousands of people who had been looking forward to returning to work next week.
The Irish Hotels Federation (IHF) and Skillnet Ireland, the national agency responsible for the competitiveness, productivity, and innovation of Irish businesses through enterprise-led workforce development, has today launched a new Irish Hotels Federation Skillnet to address business and skills challenges in the industry.