
Watt Footprint Video Case Study | Allingham Arms Hotel
Plus – book your complimentary call with one of Watt Footprint’s energy engineers
Watt Footprint
IHF Associate Member

Watch the video above to hear from Watt Footprint CEO, Paul Mahon and Owner of the Allingham Arms Hotel, Conor McEniff, as they discuss how their partnership achieved energy savings of €61,000 and 925,212 kWh with a 4.8 year payback for the hotel.

Exclusive IHF Member Offer:

Book your complimentary call with one of Watt Footprint’s energy engineers to get advice and see what grants/supports are available to help you on your energy reduction journey. To book email:

Part of Failte Ireland’s Climate Action Programme? Energy audits, energy upgrades and grant acquisition are services that Watt Footprint is currently providing for several hotel hotels on the programme.

Want to find out more? Check out more of our case studies HERE.

Contact details

profile photo
Paul Mahon
CEO & Co Founder

087 294 8836

Irish Hotels Federation | Working Together