Cost Savings

Cost Savings
Trinity Purchasing | Resources to reduce your operating costs
Visit us at the IHF’s Showtel Trade Exhibition on stand E25 for a free energy audit
IHF Associate Member

Hotel operators facing financial strains like minimum wage hikes, rising costs, VAT increases and inflation can count on Trinity Purchasing for expert support.

Here are some insightful resources to help boost your bottom line:

  1. Commodity Market Update: The latest price trends, product availability, and how to keep your GP margin healthy.

  2. Client Success Story: Find out how Buswells Hotel saved €120,000 annually on food and energy costs.

  3. Cost-Saving Tips: Discover four practical ways to reduce costs and enhance profit.

  4. Free Energy Audit at the IHF Showtel Trade Show: Bring your hotel's energy bills to our stand E25 and find out how much you can save on-the-spot!

Get in touch today

Partnering with Trinity Purchasing can be a game-changer for your hospitality business, helping you save costs, enhance supply chain efficiencies, and focus on delivering exceptional guest experiences.

Interested in learning more about how we can help? Contact our team below.

Contact details

Alan Cruite, General Manager
086 020 0499

John Callanan, Business Development Manager
086 137 3304

Tom Stack, Relationship Manager
086 061 0304


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Irish Hotels Federation | Working Together