
D-EDGE | Taking a closer look at direct hotel distribution at the dawn of AI
With the integration of AI, a hotel's digital performance has the potential to reach new heights
IHF Associate Member

Direct hotel bookings have experienced remarkable growth, with a revenue increase of 24% compared to pre-2019 levels. What drives this positive result, and how do associated distribution costs influence this success?

Through our deep exploration of trends and prevailing assumptions, D-EDGE has uncovered compelling insights and opportunities for hoteliers stemming from digital advertising campaigns. Yet, the possibilities extend beyond this point. With the integration of AI, a hotel's digital performance has the potential to reach new heights, ultimately leading to a boost in direct hotel bookings.

Interested in discovering more? Don’t miss out on D-EDGE’s exclusive report featuring indispensable findings that will prompt a reassessment of your hotel distribution strategy.

Click Here for full white paper on the D-EDGE Hospitality Solutions website

Contact details

David Baker

0044 203 885 7444

Irish Hotels Federation | Working Together