The Coeliac Society of Ireland have announced that their next Gluten Free Roadshow will take place on October 22nd at the Rochestown Park Hotel in County Cork.
The roadshow will provide those living with - or preparing foods for those with - coeliac disease or severe gluten intolerances with an opportunity to meet and speak with the experts. The event will feature expert talks from leading medical practitioners, dieticians and food producers alongside practical live cooking demonstrations, exhibitors and panel discussions.
Experts on the day will include:
- Food Business Coach Tracie Daly
- Renowned Medical Consultant Alfonso Rodriguez-Herrera
- Founder of Eatwell Sarah Keogh
- Creator of Wondercare.ie Sheena Mitchell
- Applied Culinary Nutritionist and chef Frances Buckley MSc
- Award winning chef Eunice Power
The Gluten Free Roadshow runs from 9am to 4.30pm on October 22nd. Tickets, including 2 course Gluten Free lunch, cost €70 and are available to book here.
Coeliac Society of Ireland members can get a discounted price of €50 by using the code provided in the Members Area or by contacting them via email or phone.
Contact details
Louise Ryan 01 872 1471 info@coeliac.ieWeb www.coeliac.ie