Elis have launched ELIS CONNECT, a digital pest control solution that utilises sensors to provide 24/7 monitoring. By delivering a real time overview of sites and detecting activity as soon as it occurs, responses are not dependent on the next scheduled visit by a technician or a sighting. The solution is greener, more cost-effective and results in more efficient outcomes.
The development of ELIS CONNECT was prompted by developments within pest control resulting from the 2018 EU Biocide Directive. The Directive restricted the use of rodenticides, required official licensing of technicians and the development of CPD programs. These were all positive developments for both industry and our environment however as a result Health Authorities reported a 25% increase in rodent activity across the country in 2020-2021. Early detection of pest activity is becoming even more crucial to combat infestations.
To understand what a SMART solution is, we need to take a look at what currently happens when an establishment decides they need Pest Control.
Traditionally a hotel will:
- Hire a Pest Control Service
- Technicians service the premises monthly/ bi-monthly/quarterly
- On visits they open boxes to assess if there is evidence of activity
- Where nontoxic bait is consumed - they lay toxic bait and wait
- The process can take weeks and 30 days with rodent activity on your premises could mean a lot of damage
Elis CONNECT provides a SMART solution that means:
- Your technician monitors activity on your site 24/7 - via sensor technology
- Your dedicated Pest Control team is alerted to activity BEFORE there is evidence
- Your technician knows WHEN activity is occurring and WHERE
- Issues are addressed NOW - not on the next visit
- Earlier interventions allow for most cost-effective solutions
Elis Pest Control services over 7,000 customers across the country and has 30 years’ experience in Ireland. This technology has been developed by our team of experts and is a powerful tool against pest infestation. Our customers have seen infestations reduce by over 60% as ELIS CONNECT can pinpoint the source of activity the moment it happens, reducing curative interventions by up to 6 weeks which guarantees substantial savings.
Our SMART packages begin @ €10 per week per site and include:
- Dedicated technician appointed to each site
- Folder held on site to hold all reports, maps, documentation etc
- Monthly analysis reports
- Opportunities to reduce your Scope 3 Emissions
- No upfront costs, all bait stations included
- 2 resolutions free of charge
- Basic package – 4 sensors and bait stations
For hotels a survey will be required to assess the establishment’s individual needs. As an example: A 100 room hotel may require 20+ boxes – costing approximately €30 per week (subject to survey) however a hybrid system can be introduced where sensors are activated in key zones only to help manage budgets.
To request a site survey or discuss any queries you may have please contact Marc on 086 836 0967.