Data Management

Data Management
D-EDGE | The secret to see your guests come back
Find out about our loyalty programme module and request a free demo of our platform
IHF Associate Member

No need to convince anyone anymore: it is much more profitable to keep your guests loyal than to go out and advertise for new ones. But then, that’s easier said than done!

With a good Central Data Management solution, you can easily store, identify and segment your guests’ key data to provide them with a personalised experience during their stay, and then win them back with tailor-made offers that hit the spot. If you’re there, well done! You’ve done the hard work and should already be seeing more and more of your customers coming back to stay.

But you still have a secret weapon to deploy in order to charm your customers for good: a real loyalty programme, the kind that makes people want to stay and gives them a real sense of loyalty!

As you would expect, if we talk about this, it’s because we have what you need to help you implement it for your hotels. Our Central Data Management solution includes a loyalty programme module, directly integrated with the D-EDGE CRS, and therefore with our Booking Engine. And it’s the detail that makes the difference!

Why is it smarter to opt for a loyalty programme that is connected to your Booking Engine?

  • You can create targeted email campaigns to differentiate your hotel from you competitors and OTAs. Therefore, you generate more traffic on your website and increase direct bookings.
  • Your guests can use their loyalty rewards when they book on your website: you increase your direct bookings.
  • You can automate regular communications to your loyalty programme members about the perks they can use or the next-level status they’re about to reach.
  • Your guests will be even more eager to come back as they will feel special, increase their benefits each time, and be offered exclusive rates.
  • You can use your loyalty programme to highlight your amenities and services, and thus increase your upselling (room upgrade, discount on your restaurant, room service, spa…)

And finally, you manage your entire distribution from your CRS, without having to worry about connectivity between your PMS and your Guest Management solution. Everything is streamlined and centralised in a single entry point.

D-EDGE offers a comprehensive Guest Management platform to help you nurture the relationship with your guests. Want to try? Ask for a demo: here

Contact details

David Baker

0044 203 885 7444

Irish Hotels Federation | Working Together