Peter Drucker the famous Austrian-American management consultant and author once said “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”
That fact is just as true in hospitality as it is in any industry but sometimes it just takes someone with a fresh pair of eyes to review a process to identify what should not be done at all!
Agility Hospitality works exclusively with hospitality businesses to help deliver greater value by streamlining processes.
We support hotels and guesthouses in a couple of ways;
- We conduct observation based continuous improvement projects which identify, quantify, and help your team to rectify non-value-adding steps in operational processes using LEAN & Six Sigma tools and principles.
- We also offer Continuous Improvement training for your team helping to embed a Continuous Improvement mindset in your property.
These online courses, onsite workshops and on-demand video tutorials can be tailored specifically for your property and sector providing the foundations on which a continuous improvement culture can be established in your business.
Confucius wrote: "I hear, and I forget, I see, and I remember, I do, and I understand" so by design our training is light on theory and heavy on practical, tangible tools and techniques that your team can put into place in their department straight away.
As learning by 'doing' is so vital, our one day on-site continuous improvement workshop incorporates plenty of hands-on practice with the LEAN tools such as Process Mapping, Conducting Observations, Root Cause Analysis, etc.
We are conducting a series of 1-day Continuous Improvement Workshops in the following areas in the coming months:
- Connaught - Week commencing 14th February
- Munster - Week commencing 28th March
- Leinster - Week commencing 2nd May
- Ulster - Week commencing 23rd May
Please note you can send as many of your team to the training as you would like for the same flat fee and Irish Hotels Federation Members get a 10% discount. If you would like to reserve a workshop in your property, please get in touch with Tom below who will be delighted to discuss your continuous improvement plans with you.
Contact details
Tom Mc Dermott 085 859 5236 tom.mcdermott@agilityhospitality.com
Web www.agilityhospitality.com
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