Cost Savings

Cost Savings
SMRI - Is your hotel paying too much for your Sky Sports contract?
Now is the time to review your charges and establish what savings can be made
Sean Stokes, Sports & Media Rights International
IHF Associate Member

Sky Ireland have confirmed that because no excise duty is being charged again by revenue on publican’s licenses in September 2021 the Sky charges will be based on the excise duty on the publican’s license in September 2019, prior to the pandemic.

The excise duty is based on turnover bands so for all hotels that have a Sky ‘Pubs & Clubs’ contract it is very important to review these charges now to establish what savings, if any, can be made.

We have also been able to secure savings for premises who have their Sky Sports with Virgin Media.

For a free consultation about the services we provide, please feel free to contact us.

Contact details

Sean Stokes

086 814 6570

Irish Hotels Federation | Working Together