Hotel marketing encompasses a huge array of topics, skills, and strategies that hoteliers like you need to be aware of – and also master – if you want to succeed in optimising the success of your business and attracting as many travellers as possible.
Effective hotel & guesthouse marketing means potential guests and customers alike will be impacted by your brand wherever and however they choose to research, plan, and book their trip.
The modern path to purchase for travellers is now so broad, you have to put a lot more focus on exactly who you’re trying to catch in your net.
Our ‘Complete Guide to Hotel Marketing in 2022’ will help you to understand the full breadth of hotel marketing categories, giving you clear lessons and examples on how you take a major step forward this year and outshine your competitors, engaging prospective guests before your rivals get the chance.
The Guide encompasses:
- Internet marketing
- Types of hotel online marketing
- Social media marketing
- Video marketing
- Mobile marketing
- Email marketing
Access the ‘Complete Guide to Hotel Marketing in 2022’ on SiteMinder.com here
Contact details
Sophie Scullion +44 20 3151 0101 sophie.scullion@siteminder.comWeb www.siteminder.com