SeaChange | Managing the risk of slips, trips & falls in hotels
Using automated scheduling to ensure good and consistent housekeeping standards on a routine basis
IHF Associate Member

Slip, Trip & Fall (STF) accidents are the most common cause of injury in the Hospitality sector and hotels are required to manage the pervasive risk of STF on a daily basis. Some of the alarming statistics below demonstrate how important it is to manage the risk of STF in the Hospitality sector:

  • Reported workplace accidents have increased by 42% in the last 6 years
  • The average non-insured cost of a lost time incident (LTI) is €12,000
  • 30% of all reported injuries were due to STF in the Hospitality Sector
  • 15-25% of STF accidents lead to serious injuries (classified at 3+ days out of work)
  • STF hazards cause up to 65% of liability claims in the Hospitality Sector
  • A HSA analysis of over 10,000 workplace inspections showed that over 30% of high footfall workplaces had no STF risk assessments in place
  • STF incidents & consequential claims have contributed to increases in average liability insurance premium costs by over 30% since 2016
  • Most Hotel operators do not have adequate systems of reporting to defend against fraudulent claims

The Slip, Trip & Fall Risk Management Solution: The CAYGO™ Digital App
The key to managing the risk of STF is to ensure good and consistent housekeeping standards on a routine basis. The CAYGO™ Digital B2B solution is the most effective housekeeping system to reduce the risk of STF for Hotels and their insurance partner stakeholders. CAYGO™ Digital is designed to help businesses improve housekeeping standards and reduce both the frequency and cost of STF accidents, incidents and consequential claims. It uses automated scheduling to maintain consistency throughout the day while ensuring that no checks are missed.

This innovative system also uses NFC tags to qualify locations / zones meaning that the ‘Staff Checker’ was physically present in that location. This App is completely customisable to business user requirements (i.e. schedule intervals and key risk zones) and a CAYGO™ Check can be done by any member of staff and just takes 30 seconds on average to complete! The system provides detailed and automated reporting that supports business owners and insurance stakeholders in reducing client risk ratio, increasing client defensibility, tackling fraudulent claims and liability exposure.

CAYGO™ Digital App Results
Since its market launch; over the past 18 months the CAYGO™ Digital system has provided the following market-leading results across the SeaChange client base who operate the system:

  • 2,529,620… CAYGO™ Zone Checks Completed
  • 3,045,430… Slip, Trip & Fall Hazards Removed
  • 30,454… Near Misses Prevented
  • 3,045… Recordable Injuries Prevented
  • 305… Lost Time Incidents (LTI) Prevented
  • €3,660,000… saved in non-insurance related LTI costs
  • 10… Serious Injuries Prevented
  • 50%... Reduction in Claim Frequency
(*Figs based on real-world system data, before & after analysis and the Heinrich Safety Pyramid to calculate the CAYGO™ Digital system impact on accidents)

When it comes to managing the STF risk in the Hospitality sector, investing in prevention through a proactive system (rather than reacting after the fact) results in a major return in cost-savings, staff engagement, good housekeeping habits, site cleanliness and insurance cost management. We all know that prevention is better than the cure, and this is very much the case when it comes to managing the risk of STF in the Hospitality sector. SeaChange can support your Hotel in managing this key risk using our innovative CAYGO™ Digital system.

The SeaChange team would be delighted to help provide a sustainable and cost-effective safety solution to fit your needs, your people and your organisation. Contact the SeaChange team below to manage risk proactively in your business.

Contact details

profile photo
Karen Hickey

085 861 9499

Irish Hotels Federation | Working Together