Fifty Shades Greener “Green Business” program
Do you want to reduce your carbon footprint and save your business money at the same time?
Raquel Noboa,
IHF Associate Member

T he Fifty Shades Greener “Green Business” program is for Hotel or Accommodation providers, that wish to implement an environmental management system at their properties by reducing energy, waste and water. Reducing utilities will not only reduce your carbon emissions but it will also reduce your running costs.
The courses include the following:
- Establishing baselines & Green KPI’s (Carbon calculations)
- Monthly benchmarking of utilities
- Short, easy to follow videos for the Green Manager & Green Team that will show them simple actions to implement at their business to either control or reduce their use of energy and water and production of waste.
- Short and easy to follow videos, to train all staff members of each organisation. This means that the new course will embed sustainability practices and spread green messaging to all employees of each organisation taking part, and not only to the Green Managers.
- Workbooks and charts to help the students complete each task, plus additional resources Action Plans, Staff Induction Handbooks and Guest Information folder.

This programme is fully funded by the Educational Training Boards of Ireland and SOLAS. To registered and received this programme free of charge click HERE.

Contact details
Irish Hotels Federation | Working Together