Top Tips for Hotel Energy Efficiency from Electric Ireland
Be part of the change at - check out these top tips for greater energy efficiency within your hotel
Electric Ireland
Check out these top tips for greater energy efficiency within your hotel. Click '[+]' below to expand each tip.
- Energy management initiatives need to be a company wide effort that everyone can play a part in.
- In every sector and room of your hotel, there is the opportunity to be more efficient, save money and reduce your carbon footprint.
- Create ownership within each team, with the authority to make decisions for their sector.
- Involve and engage everyone in the business.
- Knowledge is power. Know your tariff.
- Find the information you need to understand your bill and the charges listed.
- Research, understand and avail of cost saving opportunities in terms of equipment and from your provider.
- Nightsaver – Use the reduced night rate to save money without compromising on service.
- Again, knowledge is power.
- Know your equipment and their energy ratings. Assess the cost of use against the cost of upgrade.
- Become familiar with your energy usage by reading your meter daily for two weeks.
- With this new knowledge, speak to your provider to find cost saving products and tariffs.
- Track your progress.
- Assess electrical equipment usage patterns in the premises.
- Review all activities that use electricity.
- Consider whether or not running hours of electrical equipment can be reduced /changed to night.
- Energy Audits – Lighting/Equipment/Heating. Identify your areas of heavy use.
- Again, get people involved. Find sustainability champions throughout your business.
- Accounts for up to 40% of average bill.
- Energy saving lamps – 80% cheaper to use, last twice as long & same light output
- Fit daylight controls and use movement sensors. An empty room does not need to be lit.
- All businesses can save on lighting.
- Consider all areas, is solar PV an option?
- Replace older boilers with efficient condensing boilers.
- Dispatch heating and cooling in economic order.
- Decouple fresh air requirement from heating requirement.
- Link heating controls to booking system.
- Consider onsite generation, combined heat and power.
- Hot water: Consider moving from dedicated DHW boiler to heat exchanger with LPHW.
Contact details
Business Sales 1800 305 070 business@electricireland.ieWeb
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