Food & Beverage
IHF Associate Member

With over 150 years in the industry, Lipton Tea & Infusions are the world's leading purveyor of quality teas and herbal infusions, serving 400 million consumers every day across the world.

LYONS Tea has been putting the talk into tea since 1902 and has thrived in the tea market dominating as one of Ireland's favourite tea brands, boasting cultural iconic status.
We at LYONS understand how important it is to take a moment, sit and enjoy a really good quality conversation with family and friends, new & old. What better way to make this chat better, but by enjoying a great tasting cup of Lyons tea.
Our great tasting tea collection is at the heart of our business, but we over the last number of years we have been focusing on our contribution to the planet and putting sustainability as a top priority. LYONS Tea in 2023 launched brand new packaging driving our sustainability focus to the next levels.
We are proud to be an Associate Member of the Irish Hotels Federation and look forward to continuing our work with this great sector, driving the best consumer experience for all through great brands and products.

At Pukka, our purpose is to nurture healthier, happier lives through powerful organic plants. By nurturing mutually benevolent relationships with farmers, sourcing partners, and everyone who works for us, and with us, we strive to build a sustainable future for all. We hope you feel inspired to discover more about yourself and the beautiful planet on which we all live.
When we began in 2001 the science was already clear that business needed to operate in a way that regenerated our environment and society. These are the values that Pukka was built upon; organic farming, fair trade and conservation through commerce. Find out how we are helping to change the world for a positive future – one cup of tea at a time.
All of our herbs are grown organically and harvested sustainably from the plant’s favoured habitat to ensure maximum potency. Fair sourcing standards are ensured though our fair for life certification. We then apply pharmacopoeial standards to our rigorous quality control standards. Our herbal creations are also free from synthetic colour, artificial flavourings and additives. We’re proud to have world-leading experts and herbal practitioners in our team to deliver and to monitor quality standards in our Pukka Herbal Laboratory. This traditional wisdom is combined with scientific research to lovingly create each unique herbal blend, bringing you the very best of nature’s power.
Look after your mind, body and soul by taking a moment to enjoy a delicious cup of Pukka Herbal Teas & Infusions.
To discuss how LYONS and Pukka could enhance your guests' experiences, contact John De Renzy below.
Contact us today
John De Renzy 086 857 8702 john.derenzy@lipton.comWeb www.liptonteas.com