
IHF Associate Member

Calor have a passion for excellence in catering and for more than 85 years have been delivering energy solutions to Irish hotels, restaurants and caterers. We have a strong alliance with the hospitality industry and are dedicated to continue to provide a world-class service and support a wide range of industry endeavours.

Today, as a leading supplier of LPG, we continue to offer a range of bespoke services, delivering efficient and economical energy solutions designed to meet the requirements of each and every hospitality business for a range of applications from cooking, space heating and water heating to powering tumble drying in on-site laundries.

Calor energy advisors can tailor energy solutions to help reduce energy costs over the long term and positively impact on carbon footprint. This now includes the option of using Calor BioLPG, our renewable gas which can help businesses as they navigate their own sustainability journeys.

For more information visit calorgas.ie.

Contact us today

Berni Neill
Marketing Manager

01 450 5000
Web  www.calorgas.ie

Irish Hotels Federation | Working Together