Take action to conserve water
Top tips from Irish Water Quick returns on investment
Measures requiring some upfront investment

- Urinals - Urinals traditionally flush every 10-15 minutes 24/7 even when the business is closed. One hotel used 25% of its water flushing urinals when the hotel was closed during a long term water shortage in the locality.
Solution/ Sensors or waterless urinals
- Taps - Two tap sinks with screw taps can dispense up to 15 litres of water per tap, per minute.
Solution/ Mixer taps. It is good practice to install a lever tap and best practice to use sensors which could save up to 11 litres as they dispense a maximum of just 4 litres per minute.
- Toilets - Old style toilets use up to 15 litres per flush whereas dual flushes use 4 to 6 litres per flush. An old 12 litre/flush toilet in use six times per hour replaced with a 4/6 litre dual flush toilet will save €1,000 per toilet per annum (Based on future average cost of water).
Solution/ Install dual flush and do the ladies first as they are flushed after every use.
- Showers - Showers can use up to 25 litres/min
Solution/ Solution: Install a low flow shower from specialist suppliers – it mixes air with the water to give the impression of a greater volume and only uses a maximum of 10 litres/min.
- Hoses - Cleaning with hoses, especially power hoses, uses a lot of water.
Solution/ Use a spray unit on your hose pipes
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