Please CLICK HERE to download the excel list of Ministers & TDs names and contact details.
Please CLICK HERE to download the excel list of Senators names and contact details.
Please CLICK HERE to download the 9% VAT and Reduced Employers PRSI Briefing Paper.
5th September 2013
Dear Member,
The retention of the 9% tourism VAT rate and reduced employers PRSI Rate into 2014 and beyond is vital for our industry. The Federation has been working behind the scenes at the highest levels to persuade Government on the importance of these measures. We have prepared and submitted our pre-budget document which includes an economic report setting out detailed arguments for retention. 
This year the Budget will be announced on 15th October and due to the further cutbacks planned it is vital that we communicate directly with the Ministers, TDs and Senators to explain the importance of the 9% tourism VAT rate and reduced employers PRSI Rate support measures to hotels and guesthouses and Irish Tourism in general.    
I am seeking your help as a member of the Federation.  I am asking you to make direct contact with your local Ministers, TDs and Senators to ask them to support the retention of the 9% VAT rate and reduced employers PRSI Rate. Please make an appointment to meet them and let them know how these measures have helped your business (as appropriate) survive and retain jobs or add new jobs in their constituency. I attach a one page briefing paper which you can present to them.  
The Federation is also hosting a briefing session in Buswells Hotel on 26th September from 12 noon until 3:00pm. We will be inviting all Ministers, TDs and Senators and I would also encourage you to ask them to attend. 
For names and email addresses of Ministers, TDs and Senators by please click on the links above.
For the 9% VAT and Reduced Employers PRSI Briefing Paper please click HERE.
This is a very important issue. If your local political representatives are not made aware of your concerns they may assume that you and other employers are not strongly in support of these measures.
I would be grateful if you would please forward a note confirming any support you receive or indeed any opposition you encounter to Carol Bergin at
Kind regards,
Michael Vaughan
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