Programme Structure:

The programme will consist of a combination of day release and on-the-job training over a 2 year period.   

  • 3 weeks of intense learning in class followed by 2 days in class and 3 days working
  • Summer months 1 day in class and 4 days working                              
  • 40% In class- 60% working

Qualification:  QQI Level 6 qualification recognised on the National Framework Qualification.

Entry Criteria:  The programme is open to all candidates above the statutory school leaving age (16).  Minimum entry qualification requirements are an award placed at Level 4 on the National Framework of Qualifications Ireland including a D in Junior Certificate Maths.  Recognition of prior learning (RPL) will be recognised as part of the entry criteria.

Employer Approval:  Under the rules of the Apprenticeship Council of Ireland all establishments must undergo assessment by SOLAS to ascertain suitability to train apprentices.

Authorised Officers (AOs) based in each ETB around the country will visit your premises to carry out a ‘suitability to train’ assessment. You will be required to demonstrate that you have the capacity and the ability to provide quality, relevant on-the-job training.

The AO will then make a recommendation to SOLAS on your suitability to train an apprentice(s). If you are not initially approved the AO will work with you to address outstanding requirements and you can then be re-assessed.

Apprentice Registration:  When the employer is approved the nominated apprentice will be required to register him or herself as an apprentice with SOLAS.

Mentor Training Programme:  Each employer must have a nominated mentor to look after the apprentice(s).  This industry mentor plays a central and critical role in the ‘on the job’ element of the programme. A Mentor Training Programme has been designed specifically for the Commis Chef Apprenticeship Programme. Attendance by a nominated mentor is compulsory.

Code of Practice:  An Apprenticeship Code of Practice will be in operation throughout all stages of the apprenticeship.

Apprentice Salary:  An apprentice is an employee under a full time contract of employment with all the statutory entitlements and protections under employment legislation.  As with any employee the rate of pay is agreed between the employer and the apprentice, but must be at least the national minimum wage rate (and not the training rate). The apprentice’s salary and/or wages is paid by the employer for both on and off the job.

Please click HERE to download the Expression of Interest Form


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