Wednesday, 16 April, 2014 - 10:00 to Thursday, 17 April, 2014 - 12:45
Dear Member,
We are inviting you to participate in a Hospitality Jobs Fair to take place:
Venue: Westport Woods Hotel
Date: Wednesday, 16th April 2014
Time: 10am to 1pm
The aim of this Jobs Fair is to match Job Seekers interested in a career in hospitality with employers in the hotel and restaurant sector.
The Local Employment Service (LES) and the Department of Social Protection are currently identifying candidates who have a background, experience and/or interest in the sector. They are also arranging transport to and from the venue. All candidates will have a copy of their recent CV and will be interview ready on the day.
The LES and DSP INTREO staff will be there on the day to provide information on the various financial incentives available to employers when it comes to taking on someone who is on the live register.
Training providers who deliver courses relevant to the sector will be in attendance on the day, such as Galway/Mayo Institute of Technology, SOLAS, Drumshanbo Food Hub and Mayo/Sligo/Leitrim Education &Training Boards (formerly VEC) and the Mayo Abbey Professional Cookery Skills Training Centre. New graduates from these training courses will be attending the Jobs Fair. The DSP, Failte Ireland and the RAI will also participate in the Fair.
GMTV and local papers and radio will be there on the day.
This is an ideal opportunity for you to meet some of your recruitment demands for the coming season.
Participation in the Jobs Fair is free. All participating employers will have their own dedicated stand/booth in which to meet and chat with potential candidates. You will also have the opportunity to carry out interviews with candidates.
If you are interested in participating in the Jobs Fair please click here and complete the Booking Form outlining your vacancies and return to me at
If you have any queries on the event please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Nuala McLoughlin
Advisor – Employment Matters