Clare, Donegal, Galway, Kerry & Mayo County Councils and Galway City Council
On Tuesday 4th November 2019 the Commissioner of Valuation made Valuation Orders for the rating authority areas of Clare, Donegal, Galway, Kerry & Mayo County Councils and Galway City Council. These orders signal the formal commencement of the revaluation of all commercial and industrial properties for rating purposes in these rating authority areas.
Please be aware that the valuation set in this revaluation process will be the basis for calculating rates for the next 5 to 10 years.
Click on the links below to see the Explanatory Guide and sample documents being sent to all occupiers of commercial property. Please complete and return the preliminary information within 28 days from the date the letter was issued, i.e. by or before Monday 2nd December 2019. Detailed financial information will be required in due course. We encourage everyone to engage in this process in order to avoid the risk of your property being overvalued for rateable purposes.
Explanatory Guide about the revaluation. Further information is available on the Valuation Office website
A sample of a standard Preliminary Information Form for completion by each ratepayer in respect of the property which they occupy. The information provided by ratepayers is critical to the revaluation process.
A sample of the covering letter which will accompany the standard Revaluation Information Form.